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Image by Europeana

and relevant history

I earned a BA in Fine Arts in 1980 from William Paterson University in northern New Jersey.

The 'quest' for money has taken me in many directions over many years. I have been a production artist, retail manager, sales rep and entrepreneur. What I have always loved the most is something I have always done for free...counseling others in so many ways. I believe strongly that the time is right to extend what I do to anyone looking to break out of old and crippling paradigms, at a very reasonable cost!

"I have included this "resume" because I  believe that you should know where my REAL LIFE experience comes from. I'm hoping that you resonate with this, as you decide to put your trust in me."

In 2018, I created and facilitated a women's spiritual growth group, which I ran out of my home for three years. I helped many women make significant life/self improvements and supported many others along their journey. I currently run another group from home and on Zoom. This is a small "community" of people who feel the need for connectivity with like-minded people, with a focus on holistic health and preparedness.

I am a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist through the Grief Recovery Institute, working with groups and individuals. This is an educational program designed to be a template for recovery from cumulative grief experiences.

I participated in a Quantum Integration workshop facilitated by Lyssa Royal Holt in 2022 which explored and enhanced skills of insight and intuition. I am a graduate of the Silva Method self-help and dynamic meditation program. I have been using visualization and affirmation techniques from this world renown course since 1980.

I have co-facilitated meditation retreats and practice Vipassana meditation daily. I have taught this life-changing practice to many others.

I was born and raised in the Bronx, New York City, finally moving to the suburbs in the early 1970's. I learned to be a survivor on the tough city streets.

I raised two sons, mostly on my own through tremendous challenges. They are now 32 and 28 and are exemplary, successful and highly concious human beings.

My older son had significant challenges from birth that I steadfastly helped him work through, even when doctors had no hope for his 'normalcy'. My younger son spent his teen years in all forms of trouble, and again; I helped resolve and re-direct him to a great career and life.


In 2010, I experienced a life altering motor vehicle accident. A head-on collision at 65 MPH caused my life to come to a screeching halt. Broke my back and sustained so many other fractures and injuries. My sons were teenagers, and I was single with no family support. I believe this life event to be my spiritual 'metamorphosis. While I have some physical limitations, I am GRATEFUL for this experience that transformed much of my personal belief system.


My daily 'work' involves maintaining the health of my husband through nutrition, exercise and more. In 2020, he received a grim cancer prognosis, and through lifestyle adjustments and alternative therapies, he is doing great!

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